Sunday Services
Sunday morning services at 10 o'clock are at the heart of all we stand for and do.
They are welcoming, open, inclusive occasions, in which the whole church family
shares. We praise God in hymns and songs and prayer. We learn about the message
of Jesus — because he is, for us, the best way to knowledge of God. Children
are welcome at the service; there is a small activity area for them to one side of the congregation.
The style
of our services is a relaxed formality in a flexible order. A theme for the
service is reflected in readings from the Bible and in the address given by the minister or other worship leader. Prayers include bringing before God the needs of our world, nation,
community and family, as well as time for our personal concerns.
Music is an essential part of our worship, and includes old and new hymns and songs accompanied on the organ or piano.
every month we celebrate Communion, combining remembrance of the Last Supper with the present-day gathering of
Christ’s disciples. We break bread and share wine (unfermented grape juice), so that all who wish to partake may do so.
In the course of each year we celebrate the traditional festivals of the Christian calendar, including Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
To learn more, go to the Coming to a Sunday service page.